Boys of PHB

Boys of PHB
Barefoot boys

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Expected vs. Accepted

     There is something that I'm working on and what usually brings me trouble or makes me shocked when I find things out about those I love.  Why don't things I see on the news shock me?  Why don't I feel as bad about things I find out go on in the world?  It's not only because I'm not as close to those people, or because I don't love the world.  I've come to accept that the world is a certain way and I can't change everything.  I can only work on making my little corner of the world better.  I'm not capable of changing everyone or everything.  I'm only, trying to do my best.
     I have a problem with people expecting certain things out of me and then getting mad when I don't perform to their expectations.  I would rather everyone just accept that I'm doing my best and trying hard all the time to do better.  So why do I do the expectation thing to others?  That's just wrong.
     Some things have come out lately with several people I've known for years.  Some have been friends, some have been family.  These things have shocked me and made me re-think things I thought I knew and believed about people.  I am still a learning and growing person (hopefully mostly spiritually and mentally).  I started thinking that I do this to others when I really want just acceptance from them.
     I usually try to look inward towards my own actions before I complain about others.  I don't want to have the same problem that bugs me in others so if I find I'm just as bad with something I'll either say that I hate that I do it too, or be aware that I don't do that.  I don't like what I saw when I looked into the mental mirror and realized that I expect certain behaviors from those I know.
     I have decided to try harder to just accept people for the people that they are.  Oh, I'll still complain, I'm sure.  I'll for sure still speak my mind and insult everyone.  It seems to be my talent in life.  I've just decided to accept things from people as they are.  I'll be less shocked from the things they do and less disappointed.  I am wanting to follow the advise to love the sinner, just not the sin.  That's a balance I've had a hard time with.  How do you separate something people do from who they are when sometimes they are who they are because of what they do?
     I've realized it's as simple as accepting them for who they are and still sticking to my beliefs and standing strong so they know what I believe and that I won't stand by certain things or support it.  I can still support someone when they are going through a hard time.  I can still support their emotions without being apart of bad choices or behaviors.  I can still love their souls and their hearts.
     I am determined that I will start accepting people for who they are and what they can become rather than expecting them to be a certain way based on past behaviors or what I thought I knew about them.  Previous opinions can interfere with happiness in so many ways.

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