Boys of PHB

Boys of PHB
Barefoot boys

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blue eyes

Sometimes I like looking into my children's eyes and enjoying the spirit I see within.  They are amazing.  I don't think I'll ever tire of enjoying the person I see within.  The eyes of my children are the most captivating and intriguing things I've ever looked into. I love listening to the stories they tell and trying to see their point of view of the world around them. 

I totally believe that we are raising children in a world that can take them down dangerous and horrible paths.  I am amazed that my children have shown a strength I simply didn't have at their age.  The are clear headed when I watch others their same age confused and with low self esteems. I am often amazed by my children's self esteem and their strength of character.  I'm impressed with my children at more than just a mother's perspective.  They astound me.

I am dreading how fast they are growing, too fast to keep up.  Too fast to hold the many wonderful memories and laughter we share in my mind and heart; yet I look forward to them growing and becoming the men they are meant to become.  I'm dreading the time going by fast, but I'm also excited to see how they deal with their choices and become all that they are supposed to. 

I know I'm not a perfect mom, but I'm perfectly in love with my children.  I could never have imagined loving someone as much as I do them, and I was sure when I married their father that I'd never love anyone more.  I can't believe how much my children have taken over my life, mind, and heart.  I can't believe I don't mind. I like having control and for them to take over everything I am and my day to day should bother me a lot more.  It doesn't. I look forward to them greeting me each morning and hugs every night. 

I look into these blue eyes, so like their dad's and I realize how blessed I am and wonder what I did so right to give me such amazing little blessings.  These boys are wonderful.

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